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Attending Jury Service

By: Dave Howell - Updated: 2 May 2023 | comments*Discuss
Jury Court Case Coroner Coroner’s Court

Around half a million people are selected to serve on juries across England and Wales. It is a legal requirement for you to sit on a jury if you are called, but it’s also everyone’s civic duty as the jury is one of the cornerstones of our legal system.

What is a Jury?

A jury is made up of 12 people who have been chosen at random from the electoral register. Scotland uses 15 people when criminal trials are taking place. If you are called to sit on a coroner’s jury, you will be one of between 7 and 11 jury members.

What are Juries for?

The jury is used to decide the guilt or innocence of anyone accused of a serious crime. Cases that can involve a jury can range from fraud to murder. Most juries sit in the Crown Court where cases of serious crimes are heard. You may also be asked to sit on a jury in a coroner’s court to decide how someone died.

The Jury Summoning Form

When your name came up for jury selection you will have been sent the Jury Summons. This is a form that you must complete pages 3 and 4 and return these to the summons bureau that sent you the form. Make sure you keep pages 1 and 2 safe, as you will need to bring these with you on your first day of jury duty. If you don’t you could face a fine of up to £1,000.

Time Off Work

Generally any employee has the right to take time off to perform their jury duty if they are called. Most employers understand this and support this part of our judicial system. However, if your jury duties will be over a lengthy period of time your employer will need to be consulted. It is against the law to be treated unfairly by your employer as a consequence of your jury duty.

However, bear in mind that if you are dismissed as a consequence of your jury service but failed to tell your employer, you may not have a strong case for unfair dismissal. Also, if your employer told you that your jury duty could have a damaging affect on your job, and you failed to request a deferment of your jury duty until a more convenient time; again you may not be able to claim for unfair dismissal.

Claiming Expenses

Your employer doesn’t have to pay you while you’re on jury duty, but you can claim for the money you have lost. You can also claim for travelling and food expenses. Your employer needs to complete a Certificate of Loss of Earnings so you can claim your money back. Bring this form with you on your first day at court. You can also claim for costs relating to carers or child-minders if you have children. You must have a letter from them stating how much they are charging you.

If you are self employed and wish to claim for loss of earnings, you need to provide some form of documentary proof that you have lost money as a consequence of being a juror. This could be a letter from your accountant. If you have to pay for this evidence, contact the court for advice first before requesting it.

At the Courthouse

When your first day as a juror arrives make sure you arrive at the court at the allotted time. Courts normally operate between 10.30am and 4.30pm. This information will be on the paperwork you were sent by the Jury Central Summoning Bureau. You will be asked for pages 1 and 2 of your summon form, plus one other piece of identification, so make sure you have this with you.

Coroner’s Courts

The coroner’s court operates differently to other courts in that the jury is not asked to return a verdict of guilty or not guilty. You are on a coroner’s jury to confirm two things: The first is the identity of the person that has died, and secondly how, when and where the person died.

Getting Help and Further Information

If you have a query about your jury service you can contact the Jury Central Summoning Bureau by telephoning: 08453 555 567, but only until a week before your jury service is due to start. After this time, you should ask the Jury Manager of the court where your case is being heard.

If you live in Northern Ireland you can contact the Jury Management Team on: 028 7126 1329. If you live in Scotland you can contact civil jurors court of session on: 0131 240 6772 or for criminal jurors at the high court of justiciary on: 0131 240 6907.

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I did jury service in February and was not informed from work that I had to fill an expenses claim form until after I completed my jury service and now work have deducted the money from my wages and I'm now skint with no money to last me until next payday I sent the forms in over 2 weeks ago to Nottingham crown courtand heard nothing
Ginny brooks - 2-May-23 @ 11:43 AM
Hello i have to attend jurry service on Monday and my letter tells me to br thier for 9am but I recived a email telling me to be thier for 2pm I did not get this email until 10 minutes after the court close for the weekend I just don't know what to do as I am a good hour and a half away at that time off the morning so I can't even ring them to check in the morning dose anyone have any advice
Pf91 - 20-Jan-23 @ 5:53 PM
Do I need to attend work, if I am still on jury service but I don't need to attend court?
CB - 18-Oct-22 @ 8:53 PM
I was going to drive which would take 20mins but it appears there are no car parks for more than a max of 2 hours anywhere near. Not sure if Morrisons at Thamesmead has a limit on how long you can stay but it is free. Does anyone know if there is a bus from there to close to the court?I can't walk too far before my back really hurts. I don't want to be in a bad mood because of pain when I get there wouldn't be fair on the accused would it?
bet - 25-Jun-22 @ 6:58 PM
I've been selected for Jury service, the date has been reached, but I have not been selected for two days, in a row, so do I just sit at home and keep waiting or can I go out and do things, or go back to work? as you're told each day if you're needed the next day....
Canniart - 5-May-21 @ 8:12 AM
I have been cited for jury duty on 10/5/2021.l cannot remember thedates of the last time I was cited. Although l was not chosen on that occasion.is there a timescale before you can be cited again? .
DPA - 13-Apr-21 @ 7:06 AM
Hi, I have received a letter to attend a jury service in the end of September.Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the letter. Could you please send me an email with the starting date of my jury service as I need to inform my manager. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Kind regards Suhair Alwaqqadi
Suhair Alwaqqadi - 7-Sep-20 @ 5:26 PM
Hi I've just completed my jury service, sent in my loss of earnings form, how long before payment arrives.?
Momma bear - 17-Aug-20 @ 6:11 PM
I've been called for jury service, needless to say I'm nervous and a little anxious. It's going to take me just over an hour to get there and depending on how long I'm there I'm not sure if I can return to work if I'm not needed as I work shift patterns. Also does anyone know if you get paid for what you actually would work or less? I'm scared of losing to much money and not being able to pay the Bill's
Dc2 - 27-Oct-19 @ 10:15 PM
I had to attend the Court for Jury service this week. WEE spent all day Monday waiting until about 3.30 when we went in Court and were given details of the case. There were 17 of us and, of course, only 12 required. I was not chosen.I was given a day off on Tuesday but had to attend on Wednesday. Again I was not needed and was dismissed. The one thing that kept me sane during the waiting was the lady who was looking after us, Donna. She tried her best to keep us informed and keep us relaxed. She did a very good job and shouls be proud of herself
Ivor the Engine - 16-Aug-19 @ 4:07 PM
Hi, I have been called up for jury service and start in a couple of weeks. I work weekends and my employer doesn't pay so have filled out the certificate of loss of earnings for the three days I work during the week. I have been told so many answers by lots of different people and I'm unsure whether I still have to work the weekend because of course the court will not pay the weekend because they are closed. This means though that if I do work I will be working 7 days straight for a couple of weeks if not longer if I'm called up. I'm so confused. Does anyone know if I actually have to work the weekend?
Han - 14-Jun-19 @ 6:46 PM
Hi, I was recently picked for jury service and the firm's were in my bag at work. During the day (2days ago from now) my bag was stolen from my work place including some personal belongings and the paper work for the jury service. What do I do? I've tried calling 08453 555 567(the number above for queries) and it doesn't even ring.
Josh Bradley - 31-May-19 @ 5:05 PM
Hi. I was called for jury service, starting Monday, for two weeks. Work not paying me, and has had to get cover in to replace me. I already asked if I wasn't needed at court, could I work, and they said no, as not fair on the person covering to lose out. So started on Monday, wasn't selected, and sent home on call. Giving a phone number to ring after 4pm to see if I was needed next day. I wasn't, but still on call and told to phone Tuesday to see if I was needed wed, still not needed. Phoned again wed and this time it said my jury service was completed. Do I have actually spent less than four hours in court, the rest of time on call. I can't go back to work till end of next week... This is made clear on the loss of expenses form. Will I be able to claim full days for being on call and for the rest of the time that I've lost from work. All this and I didn't even get to see a trial.
Knt - 1-May-19 @ 7:48 PM
What to expect on day 1 of jury service?
Future Juror - 15-Apr-19 @ 2:14 PM
Hi, What time does jury service start? I'm due to be on it next week Anyone help? Thank you
Nakhtar - 2-Apr-19 @ 10:13 PM
I am due to do Jury Service. I have been regularly doing two hours overtime Monday - Thursday 19:15 - 21:15 for over four years. Will I still be able to do these hours whilst on Service?
Muscles - 8-Oct-18 @ 6:29 PM
I sent back my conformation of attending jury duty but haven't received a conformation letter? I'm due to go in 3 weeks so thought I would of had a letter by now?
Laura14 - 28-Jan-18 @ 10:16 PM
Will I definitely be away from work for the whole time or once iv done a case will they let me go back to work? Tia
Dg - 28-Dec-17 @ 10:46 AM
I am working abroad at the moment. Do I still have to attend jury service..
Taz - 21-Sep-17 @ 10:41 PM
Just done my jury service and for the first week got sent home on the Wednesday told come back Monday and only go paid for 3 days. Now find I'm out of pocket as my work gave me the time off and my work was allocated to others so I had no work feel cheated I won't do Jury service again should they of paid as they sent me home
Ed - 17-Sep-17 @ 5:07 PM
On my 3rd day of jury duty, we have been told not to attend tommorow, but to call again after 4.30pm.Should I go to my regular job on this day off,or should I stay off work?
Guy - 24-Aug-17 @ 12:52 AM
I am due to start Jury Service on 29th August but I now need to go to the funeral of close relative on 31st August some distance from my home. Please advise.
Jac - 15-Aug-17 @ 2:16 PM
what are the daily hours of Jury service please?
JSH - 9-Aug-17 @ 5:40 PM
Jordan88 - Your Question:
Hi, I got my jury summons today, the place I work has limited staff as it is and it could be really damaging to business if I am not there, what do I do?

Our Response:
Please see gov.uk link here which should tell you all you need to know.
CourtroomAdvice - 4-Aug-17 @ 12:07 PM
Hi, I got my jury summons today, the place I work has limited staff as it is and it could be really damaging to business if I am not there, what do I do?
Jordan88 - 3-Aug-17 @ 10:34 PM
Dinky24 - Your Question:
I've been called up for jury duty. I've lost my summons letter and have no clue how to get my juror reference number. Can anyone give me advice on what to do

Our Response:
As specified in the article, you would have to call the Jury Central Summoning Bureau if you have a query.
CourtroomAdvice - 28-Jul-17 @ 11:41 AM
I've been called up for jury duty. I've lost my summons letter and have no clue how to get my juror reference number. Can anyone give me advice on what to do
Dinky24 - 26-Jul-17 @ 10:37 PM
I have not received my remittance advice to pass to my employee , is this something i can get please . i did jury service on 13th Feb at leicester crown court .
Molly moo - 11-Jul-17 @ 4:04 PM
I have lost my jury summons letter but I have two jury duty confirmation letters, both with my juror number on. Are these valid as proof of jury service?
Tom - 4-Jul-17 @ 11:28 AM
Ange - Your Question:
Im not in the UK as I am away traveling for 6 months - my housemates have emailed me to say Ive received a jury summons (im not sure when it arrived) what can I do? I have no plans to return to UK and dont have a flight booked and cant afford to change my entire trip for this. am I going to have to pay a huge fine or get into lots of trouble? please help. thank you

Our Response:
You would have to contact the Jury Summoning Service directly to explain your position. You will not have to pay a fine if they are informed in the proper manner and as to the letter.
CourtroomAdvice - 26-May-17 @ 12:46 PM
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