Step By Step Advice on Going to Court...
Whether you're a witness, claimant, defendant or juror you are likely to be apprehensive about attending court. Procedures and formalities in court can vary widely depending on the nature of the hearing and the type of court. Whichever court you are attending, there is a wealth of information available on this site to ensure that you know what to expect.
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Latest Comments
  • social-issues
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    Hello, Lucy, I didn't make it clear enough that it's the Probation Service that is being stupid. Fishing isn't the only common mistake that…
    23 July 2024
  • social-issues
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    They are fishing, to be honest. What they don't want is a known violent offender harming a family while on probation and then they get in the…
    23 July 2024
  • Lucy
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    Hi, My partner is up for sentencing for a section 18 - probation have been to interview for a pre sentence report and asked him alot about me…
    22 July 2024
  • social-issues
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    Hello Remel, no. Holidays have nothing to do with sentencing. If you have a sentence to begin, you will be taken away to serve it. It…
    13 June 2024
  • social-issues
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    Hello Sunshine, yes. Nothing that you have said is unusual. Offenders go on the register and orders are given by the court. The victim is…
    13 June 2024
  • Remel
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    Hi I took a plea guilty to abh so I have a pre sentence report awaiting on sentence date is 29th august, would I be allowed to go on a pre…
    5 June 2024
  • susie sunshine
    Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
    I was recently in court and the guy was charged with sexual assault and harassment, he went innocent ,but sadly lost it under cross…
    24 May 2024
  • Sprogs
    Re: What Will Happen if I Don't Turn Up at Court?
    What happens if you don't turn up for a court hearing.. On the 10/04/2024 I attended a court hearing at…
    11 April 2024
  • Shem
    Re: Probation and Community Sentencing
    I've been asking to move office for the last 3 months. My probation office has refused to move me.ive served 2 years on…
    21 March 2024
  • P1P
    Re: Information About Parole Board Hearings
    My son had his parole hearing on 22nd Feb2024, he was granted release, he was told he would be released after a…
    6 March 2024
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