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Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello Emz, I can understand family and health questions. They seem quite reasonable. The focus on eye problems is a bit of a mystery to me,…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Could anyone help I had a presentence report done and they asked me loads of questions about my kids and partner and also if I have any…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello, Lucy, I didn't make it clear enough that it's the Probation Service that is being stupid. Fishing isn't the only common mistake that…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
They are fishing, to be honest. What they don't want is a known violent offender harming a family while on probation and then they get in the…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hi, My partner is up for sentencing for a section 18 - probation have been to interview for a pre sentence report and asked him alot about me…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello Remel, no. Holidays have nothing to do with sentencing. If you have a sentence to begin, you will be taken away to serve it. It…