If you are the victim of violent crime (called a criminal injury) you may be able to claim compensation. The offender does not have to have been caught and prosecuted for you to make a claim for compensation. You can usually claim compensation if:
You have been injured physically or psychologically as a consequence of a violent crime.
If you are the partner, parent, wife or child of a person who has died as the result of a violent crime. If you were witness to a violent crime and later suffered psychological injury.
If the crime took place within the last 2 years. However, cases of abuse may be considered over this time period.
How to make a claim
In England, Wales and Scotland you need to get a form from the CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority). You can contact them by telephoning: 0141 331 2726, or by downloading the form from their website. Your application will normally be processed with 12 months. If you accept the compensation that is offered, this will be paid to you within 28 days.
How to make a claim in Northern Ireland
The compensation claim form can be obtained from the Compensation Agency by telephoning: 028 90 2499 44, or by visiting their website: www.compensationni.gov.uk.
When can compensation not be paid?
Compensation is usually paid if a serious injury of loss of property takes place. Compensation won't normally be paid if:
You have sustained a minor injury like a sprained ankle.
The crime you were a victim of took place more than 2 years ago. You can, though, argue that you had a good reason not to report the crime when it happened.
If you have been accidentally hit by a vehicle, unless the driver of the vehicle deliberately hit you.
The injury or sexual assault happened before October 1 1979 and you were living with that person as a member of their family.
Your injury happened before August 1 1964.
How Much Could I Get?
In England, Wales and Scotland the minimum amount you could receive is £1,000 with the maximum is £500,000. In Northern Ireland there is no maximum amount. If a death has occurred an additional bereavement payment is also made. In England, Wales and Scotland this is £11,000 for the first claimant, and £5,000 for any additional claimants. In Northern Ireland each claimant is entitled to £12,000 each.
Other Types of Compensation
If your property has been damaged as the result of a crime such as a theft, you may be able to claim compensation. If the person that committed the crime is caught and found guilty, the court can order them to pay you compensation. You can't apply for this type of compensation yourself, so remember to tell the police when you report the crime that you would like to apply for compensation. The police will pass the information to the Crown Prosecution Service who will make the court aware of your claim when the case is heard. The types of loss you can be compensated for include:
Loss via fraud
Loss through damage or theft of property
Loss of earnings due to time off work because of the crime
Injury from a stolen vehicle
Medical expenses
The court will consider your claim but also consider the defendant's personal circumstances and their ability to pay the compensation you are claiming. In some circumstances the court may not be able to order the defendant to pay the full amount you are claiming.
If your home is damaged as the result of a road traffic accident, you will normally be expected to make a claim via your normal home insurance or via the driver's insurance arrangements. Where the driver has no insurance you could make a claim from the Motor Insurers's Bureau. The can be contacted by telephoning: 01908 830001 or by visiting their website.
Note that if you receive compensation for the same loss or injury from two different sources, one of these payments may be reduced, as you can't receive compensation twice from public funds for the same injury or loss. You also have the right to sue any offender whether they are convicted or not for compensation in the civil court. Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau for further information about these clams.
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Hi, I was beaten and strangled by my ex in 2017, he was found guilty and I got an injunction against him. He then breached the injunction and has been harassing me ever since. He has been charged with breach and harrasment and is being sentenced next month at magistrates, I have suffered severe anxiety and panic attacks hospitalising me a couple of times now since and I am really struggling with depression and social phobia as a result of the abuse, am I entitled to be compensated ??
Rachel - 22-Oct-20 @ 12:00 PM
An employee of Halifax Bank and an employee of Colleys lied 21 times on our mortgage application without our knowledge, input or approval.Legally we are not the victims of fraud as the fraud was committed against Lloyds Banking Group however Lloyds have held us to account and expected us to compensate them for the losses incurred from their crooked employees.
The CPS werent interested in this case because it is highly complex and they didnt understand it.
Halifaxbos.com - 10-Aug-20 @ 7:15 AM
I have been a victim of crime. I transferred £150 for a iWatch series4 and didn't get the watch. I have a crime number from ActionFraud and want to file for damages as it's caused me 6 weeks depression and affected my work. Is it worth going through the small claims court? I have all the text messages she sent and initial Gumtree messages and photo's?
Anna - 18-Feb-20 @ 12:15 PM
Good Afternoon
Many years ago in the 70’s I was shot and almost killed whilst visiting a Farm in Ontario Canada. The case was poorly handled by the police and the boy was not charged with a crime. He is currently still living on the farm with his wife. Is it possible to seek compensation after such a long time?
Aneurin - 20-Jun-19 @ 4:05 PM
Hello I was stabbed in London when I went to buy a car of a guy which turned out to be a scam my brother in law got stabbed in the neck I got stabbed in the stomach around 3inches in length I keep having flash backs and scared for my life to associate with anyone outside my home I thought I was going to lose my life and seen my brother-in-law Bleeding Out from his neck I tried to keep pressure on his wound I thought he was even going to die not knowing the outcome in that situation was very scary its left us both with life-changing issues the Metropolitan police officer told me I could get compensation dose anyone know roughly what I would be entitled to
Thank you
Paddy888 - 12-Feb-19 @ 9:35 AM
Hi I just wantedadvice i put a claim in about 12 months ago I was assulted by someone I didn't even know had a fracashed check Bon fracshaed eye shocked and badly bruised cheek bone I'm still suffering now the compensation authority keeps asking for legal gardianship in only 17 18 in June but I live on my own with my young daughter so why do they need prontal gardianship . Thanks
Miles - 8-Jan-18 @ 12:14 AM
I'm a 30 year old female who went out with a friend for a couple of drinks.. cut a long story short I was assaulted viciously and have now sadly been left with a scar all down my face I have to have plastic surgery and 13 stitches I am now scarred for life. I only leave my house to take my children to and from school. I used to be so confident and excited to go out and enjoy myself now I'm a different person. My children have had to see their mother with her face all stitched up (told them I had fallen out of a canoe and banged it on rock) I feel like my entire life is falling apart I'm anxious all the time I've lost just over 2 stone in five weeks. I've started to have an unhealthy attitude towards food I'm using I as a control tool but stopping myself eating all day I feel as if I have had some sort of control over my life as it feels like all spiralling out of control. I don't like to speak on the phone anymore so if anyone would like to email me please feel free. I'm mainly reaching out for support here and if I have a possible chance of a claim so I can have something to focus my mind on. Im 30 I was attacked by five people two men it's all caught on CCTV so there's no denying and they on bail but now I'm a different woman than who I was. I want to cry badly but I'm scared I won't stop. Does anyone have any similar experience to what I have been through ? The scar is massive it goes from the corner of my right lip all the way to under my chin and stops at my neck. I hate it when I look at it it makes me sick of myself.
Sammie jo - 26-Oct-17 @ 1:53 AM
Hi i was involved in a hit and run 2 1/2 yrs ago i didnt report it i have lost nerve damage in heel can i still claim
Tamstar - 25-Oct-17 @ 6:14 AM
Hi, my son was attacked & punched by a man on licensed premises which lead to another fight later on but now my son is up on a gbh with intent charge & the man who threw the first punch got of with a caution. My son had to have dental treatment for a broken front tooth due to the punch. Can my son still press Chris of assault on the man who punched him?
Manxee - 23-Oct-17 @ 11:48 AM
Pocock - Your Question:
I was assaulted by a police officer in 2005,I had 31 stitches across head,I was charged at time but went through courts and won my appeal for assaulting police but chucked out of court after nearly 2 yrs,don't know why I didn't claim at the time for my injury, but I'm sure its affecting me at times as I keep on forgetting things,I feel I should have claimed but never tried is it to late.?
Our Response:
As a rule, the standard period for commencing legal action for a personal injury claim is time limited. For assault cases, the law stipulates a time limit of two years from the date of the incident.
CourtroomAdvice - 18-Jul-17 @ 10:21 AM
I was assaulted by a police officer in 2005,I had 31 stitches across head,I was charged at time but went through courts and won my appeal for assaulting police but chucked out of court after nearly 2 yrs,don't know why I didn't claim at the time for my injury, but I'm sure its affecting me at times as I keep on forgetting things,I feel I should have claimed but never tried is it to late.?
Pocock - 17-Jul-17 @ 12:13 AM
Lou176 - Your Question:
I was a victim of an armed robbery whilst working in a bank 11 years ago I have been diagnosed with ptsd and received a number of different treatments over the last few years as I am still suffering. I have extreme anxiety and have since always been on medication can I still make a claim as the event was so long ago but I am still feeling effects ?
Our Response:
If you have suffered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through a traumatic event that was no fault of your own then you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim. While there are different time limits within which you must begin legal action in a personal injury claim, in certain cases, a court may decide to extend a time limit, depending on the circumstances. This means we are unable to answer your question directly. I suggest you contact a specialist solicitor to see whether you may have a case.
CourtroomAdvice - 29-Jun-17 @ 2:07 PM
I was a victim of an armed robbery whilst working in a bank 11 years ago I have been diagnosed with ptsd and received a number of different treatments over the last few years as I am still suffering. I have extreme anxiety and have since always been on medication can I still make a claim as the event was so long ago but I am still feeling effects ?
Lou176 - 28-Jun-17 @ 9:59 AM
Rhys23 - Your Question:
I am wondering if you could tell me why I have not been getting paid monthly my compensation for being robbed by a man for my motorcycle I was awarded 5 thousand pound but the man is on benefits so can only afford to pay monthly now im wondering why the payments have stopped even though ive only been receiving 19 pound 98 pence a month!!!! Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction please ?????
Our Response:
You would have to contact the administrators/court who issued the order directly to find out what has happened.
CourtroomAdvice - 3-May-17 @ 12:08 PM
I am wondering if you could tell me why i have not been getting paid monthly my compensation for being robbed by a man for my motorcycle i was awarded 5 thousand pound but the man is on benefits so can only afford to pay monthly now im wondering why the payments have stopped even though ive only been receiving 19 pound 98 pence a month!!!! Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction please ?????
Rhys23 - 3-May-17 @ 2:22 AM
I was attact outside the shop on cctv camera i was stabbed 6 times
Reece - 26-Apr-17 @ 6:58 PM
Robbiegee - Your Question:
I got a claim for criminal injury and went through ram legal services which the court had set all up for me but what I wasn't told is that I would get one offer and that 25% of the offer would be taken the offer I got was really low and I was misled to believe that ram legal services was the best to go with to guide me through my claim I'm still suffering severe mental health problems due to the insadent and am wondering is there anything I can do about my low offer and the 25% cost that I wasn't aware of even if I have accepted and got the claim thanks
Our Response:
You should have been given documentation that explained clearly what percentage of the costs would be paid to the legal firm. Your only recourse would be to appeal against the ruling.
CourtroomAdvice - 11-Apr-17 @ 12:58 PM
I got a claim for criminal injury and went through legal services which the court had set all up for me but what I wasn't told is that I would get one offer and that 25% of the offer would be taken the offer I got was really low and I was misled to believe that ram legal services was the best to go with to guide me through my claim I'm still suffering severe mental health problems due to the insadent and am wondering is there anything I can do about my low offer and the 25% cost that I wasn't aware of even if I have accepted and got the claim thanks
Robbiegee - 10-Apr-17 @ 5:19 PM
This time last week i was lying in hospital waiting to go into emergency surgery. I was seriously assaulted by a guy who hit me in the face with a glass with the full force of a punch.I had to undergo 2 hours of surgery. Ive got 26/27 stitches on my face and practically a new nose as it was 'just a mash of cartilage' according to the surgeons. As well as the physical injuries, im having a hard time dealing with the ordeal, havent been sleeping and keep having flashbacks and keep forgetting the simplest of things. I've been to see my GP and she said i have the symptoms of PTSD, but hopefully over time these will fade as i start to get back to a routine. It was also suggested that i seek advice from a psychologist but we've to talk more about that at my next appointment depending on how im coping. At the moment i've been signed off for 4 weeks.
This was an unprovoked attack that happened when i was standing having a cigarette and talking to my mate in my local. I've been going there since i was around 11 or 12 years old and im now 26. I've never seen anything more than a heated argument over a game of pool before this. The guy who done it has been charged with serious assault to permanent disfigurement, and according to the police, as long as i can identify him, will be looking at jail time as it was caught on cctv.
My questions though...
im wondering what the best way to go about claiming CICA is? Should i do it myself or go through a 3rd party? obviously i'm aware they will take a fee but i'm wondering if they would be able to claim more on my behalf than i would myself?
The CID officers told me it would be worth claiming but they weren't able to tell me how much id be looking at receiving. Does anybody have any rough idea?
Any help or information anyone could give would be greatly received.
LMC90 - 2-Apr-17 @ 3:54 PM
I went in to a chicken shop resently wuth a young man who I have seen growing up but have never Had any thing to do with him 1nught he ask for a lift to chicken shopwith me next thing I know there are fists going everywhere I tryed to intervene to help the lad then thay turned on methis was 2 min start to finish the lad was stabbed I believe as I was stabbed as well in the leg 14 stitches later and a op but I haven't seen the boy round since I couldn't help any more then this with the police as I don'tknow anything about why orwho this was with would I be able to make a claim I was stabbed very deep in my leg ?
Sickboyx1 - 23-Mar-17 @ 5:33 AM
Lou - Your Question:
Hi I was just wondering it's been 15 months since my partner applied for criminal compensation and he has heard nothing! Is that Normal? I no complicated injurys may take longer but his was not overally complicated he suffered a broken spine in 3 bones anxiety and 4 months off work he still has physio but is back at work
Our Response:
The length of time needed to assess your claim will vary depending on how complicated it is. Complex cases may take longer to decide. In addition, decisions will not be made until the claimant has recovered, as far as possible, from their injuries. Please see link here which will tell you all you need to know.
CourtroomAdvice - 23-Feb-17 @ 11:15 AM
Hi I was just wondering it's been 15 months since my partner applied for criminal compensation and he has heard nothing! Is that Normal? I no complicated injurys may take longer but his was not overally complicated he suffered a broken spine in 3 bones anxiety and 4 months off work he still has physio but is back at work
Lou - 22-Feb-17 @ 4:38 PM
JCS - Your Question:
I witnessed my best friend get stabbed in the stomach and now I am on anti-depressents and aniexty tablets perscribed by the doctor. I have been threw counselling the person who did this heinous crime has been jailed can I get a claim because of my psychological damage?
Our Response:
In a word; no. Hopefully, the counselling will help you through this time - but there is no monetary compensation you can claim unless you are the victim of the crime.
CourtroomAdvice - 27-Jan-17 @ 1:56 PM
I witnessed my best friend get stabbed in the stomach and now i am on anti-depressents and aniexty tablets perscribed by the doctor. I have been threw counselling the person who did this heinous crime has been jailed can i get a claim because of my psychological damage?
JCS - 26-Jan-17 @ 8:51 PM
In September I witnessed a guy die of suicide, by jumping off a bridge & the car in front of us hit him. I started a new job that week, after it I've been suffering severe panic attacks & even ended up in hospital. I lost my job 2weeks later. I haven't been sleeping & now my life's a mess. Im currently getting counselling. I'm struggling because I lost my job & cant go out alone or to crowded places as my attacks are frequent. Im a pastry chef & was wondering if I can claim for loss of earnings?
Gráinne - 22-Dec-16 @ 8:33 PM
Timmyy - Your Question:
I was stabbed in the leg and shot in the right arm. Can I claim?
Our Response:
You can apply for compensation if you or someone you know has been hurt in a violent crime in the past two years - you’ll need to fill in an online form, please see link here.
CourtroomAdvice - 18-Nov-16 @ 11:50 AM
I was stabbed in the leg and shot in the right arm.Can I claim?
Timmyy - 17-Nov-16 @ 7:18 PM
Kaycee - Your Question:
My neighbour punched me in the face and has blacked my eye, caused excessive bruising to my nose and a broken front tooth.Can I claim compensation for the treatment I will need for my tooth?
Our Response:
You can see more via the Citizens Advice Bureau link here.
CourtroomAdvice - 1-Nov-16 @ 10:47 AM
My neighbour punched me in the face and has blacked my eye, caused excessive bruising to my nose and abroken front tooth.
Can I claim compensation for the treatment i will need for my tooth?
Kaycee - 31-Oct-16 @ 10:00 AM
My son was stabbed in the leg in thursday and was hospitalised. He has previous convitions for minor things nothing major. Hes never spent any time in prison. Will this harm his compensation claim ? Thx
Vonny Re: Failure to Attend Jury Service
I did jury service in Cardiff Crown years and years ago. I was called into court on the jury. I had 3 cases all dead boring. I…
22 January 2025
Cinders Re: A Guide to Court Orders
Please please if there’s any advice,support or anything else you can help with please let me know, I fled the former marital home in…
social-issues Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello Emz, I can understand family and health questions. They seem quite reasonable. The focus on eye problems is a bit of a mystery to me,…
2 August 2024
Emz Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Could anyone help I had a presentence report done and they asked me loads of questions about my kids and partner and also if I have any…
30 July 2024
social-issues Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello, Lucy, I didn't make it clear enough that it's the Probation Service that is being stupid. Fishing isn't the only common mistake that…
23 July 2024
social-issues Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
They are fishing, to be honest. What they don't want is a known violent offender harming a family while on probation and then they get in the…
23 July 2024
Lucy Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hi, My partner is up for sentencing for a section 18 - probation have been to interview for a pre sentence report and asked him alot about me…
22 July 2024
social-issues Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello Remel, no. Holidays have nothing to do with sentencing. If you have a sentence to begin, you will be taken away to serve it. It…
Re: Failure to Attend Jury Service
I did jury service in Cardiff Crown years and years ago. I was called into court on the jury. I had 3 cases all dead boring. I…
Re: A Guide to Court Orders
Please please if there’s any advice,support or anything else you can help with please let me know, I fled the former marital home in…
Re: A Guide to Court Orders
training students
Re: How to Complain About the Courts and Police
I wish prosecute Surrey Police. I require legal aid.
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello Emz, I can understand family and health questions. They seem quite reasonable. The focus on eye problems is a bit of a mystery to me,…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Could anyone help I had a presentence report done and they asked me loads of questions about my kids and partner and also if I have any…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello, Lucy, I didn't make it clear enough that it's the Probation Service that is being stupid. Fishing isn't the only common mistake that…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
They are fishing, to be honest. What they don't want is a known violent offender harming a family while on probation and then they get in the…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hi, My partner is up for sentencing for a section 18 - probation have been to interview for a pre sentence report and asked him alot about me…
Re: Pre-Sentence Reports
Hello Remel, no. Holidays have nothing to do with sentencing. If you have a sentence to begin, you will be taken away to serve it. It…